Tom Raab was the speaker at the Post D monthly meeting in South Boston. Mr. Raab is the South Boston Town Manager. He discussed the renovation of the John Randolph Hotel, the two-way traffic on Main Street, roundabouts, the Riverdale project, the new fire house addition, Golden Piedmont Labs, and other pending projects in South Boston. For more information and how to join TPA contact Carlyle Wimbish by phone at (434) 572-6254 or via email at
About the TPA Hearing Trust
Established by TPA in 1975, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, the Hearing Trust accepts tax deductible donations from TPA members, posts and divisions; nonmembers, businesses, foundations and all other legal entities. To learn more, make a contribution to the Hearing Trust or to apply for aid, please visit
About Travelers Protective Association of America
To learn more contact TPA Headquarters at (636) 724-2227.
The post Virginia Division appeared first on TPA.