Virginia Division
Following the regular monthly meeting of Post D, some members accepted the invitation of South Boston Town Manager Tom Rabb to tour the old John Randolph Hotel. Built in 1930, the hotel is scheduled for renovation starting in August. The interest of members in the old hotel dates to the founding of TPA by traveling salesmen. In its early years TPA lobbied to get hotel sanitation laws passed, something we take for granted today. For more information and how to join TPA contact Carlyle Wimbish by phone at (434) 572-6254 or via email at
About the TPA Hearing Trust
Established by TPA in 1975, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, the Hearing Trust accepts tax deductible donations from TPA members, posts, divisions, nonmembers, businesses, foundations, and all other legal entities. To learn more, make a contribution to the Hearing Trust or to apply for aid, please visit
About Travelers Protective Association of America
To learn more contact TPA Headquarters at (636) 724-2227.
The post Post D of the Virginia Division appeared first on TPA.